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Unread 10-26-2012, 07:10 PM   #1

Build Master
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 652

This update should occur around 7pm PST.




Eidolon Jungle

Eidlolon Jungle - Hunting Razorclaw that patrol nearby will no longer path to the respawn point at /loc 63.32, -9.00, 562.30.


Harrow's End

Bastion should now properly apply his challenge mode buffs when switched to challenge mode.





A new Feral Stance will no longer appear in spellbooks at 95.



Rampager's Resilience no longer kills the berserker if they or their allies fail to strike a death blow. Instead, it dazes and prevents hostile spells for 12 seconds. The base amount of time to strike a deaht blow has been increased to 45 seconds.

Rage Face is now +15 seconds per rank instead of +20%. It no longer modifies Rampaging Vengeance.

Rampaging Vengeance now triggers when Rampager's Resilience is cast, instead of when it triggers. It no longer applies Waning Vengeance on termination.

Unstoppable now also applies 4 seconds of immunity to Stuns, Stifles and Dazes when it triggers.

Focus: Berserk now also increase the target of Berserk's Crit Bonus by 5% of their base crit bonus. (Ex: An assassin who procs Berserk and has 100 Crit Bonus will go to 105 Crit Bonus.)

Stunning Roar now casts at 0.5 seconds.

Bloodbath deals 30% more damage.

Berserker Onslaught deals 30% more damage.

Head Crush deals 50% more damage.

Maul deals 50% more damage.

Juggernaut no longer grants Crit Chance and instead grants Crit Bonus.



Natural Irritants now properly references Blinding Dust.

Exacting Venom should now properly trigger.



Martial Leap no longer has a minimum range. It only leaps to targets who are outside of 10 meters.



Hastened Channeling has been replaced with Ward's Bane. This inflicts damage on any target striking Carrion Warding or Ancient Shroud. It can only trigger once every 2.5 seconds. The damage is attributed to the target.



Chromatic Illusion is now properly centered on the enemy, rather than the caster.



Blazing Energy now increases Spell Weapon AE Auto-Attack Chance instead of power.

Lingering Flames should crit more reliably.

Energizing Winds should crit more reliably.



Ether Balance should trigger once more.

Mind Jolt can crit now.



Ward's Bane can crit now.



Force of Nature should properly heal the target instead of the fury.



Prepared Defenses can crit now.

Rank 1 of Unexpected Inquisition no longer will lock it to 2 seconds cast time.



Winds of Salvation no longer has a minimum range. It only pulls targets who are outside of 10 meters.

Serene Energy has had its ward doubled.



Claws of the War Boar should crit more reliably.



Zealous Power now reduces the power cost of Consecrate and allows Consecrate to restore 1.5% of the paladin's power every tick. It cannot be cast at 0 power, but will not wear off if you fall to 0 power while active.

Faithful Retaliation should apply the damage properly for group members.

Faith's Retaliation is now 30%/60%/90% of the reflected damage per rank and applies 3 triggers per group member rather than 1.

Faith's Aura now applies to all non-fighters in the paladin's group rather than just priests. The duration has been reduced to 8 seconds. All damage is attributed to the paladin.

Divine Faith will also improve the duration of Faith by 11% per rank.

Divine Territory now gains up to 40 times its base damage instead of 7 times. The damage scales on a curve, so lower increments of Divine Justice will be less effective. The base damage has been reduced by 50%.

For Justice now increases threat by 0.8% of the damage the paladin inflicts per rank per increment of Divine Justice. If the paladin is in Recklessness, the threat is reduced by the same amount instead.

Aura of Justice now enhances Divine Justice to heal the paladin by 0.7% of the damage they take per rank per increment.

Harbinger of Justice has been adjusted to deal double the damage of Divine Territory. It no longer doubles the damage of Divine Territory. The damage scales in the same manner of Divine Territory as well.





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Unread 10-26-2012, 07:10 PM   #2

Build Master
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 652


Pirate's Perception should now properly trigger.



Deific Restoration should properly apply when the targets are 26% or higher.

Barrier of Divinity can crit now.



Frozen Rain passively allows the wizard to build charges of Frozen Solid when using damage spells. The trigger chance on Frozen Solid is 11% at Rank 1, 22% at Rank 2 and 33% at Rank 3. Frozen Solid increments at 3 per attack target and maxes at 60. Frozen Rain inflicts cold damage to the wizard's target. The damage is substantially higher with 60 charges of Frozen Solid.

Cryomaster now increases the amount of increments gained per trigger of Frozen Solid by 1 per rank.

Icicles is now Iced Anger. It reduces the wizard's threat by 0.15% of their damage per rank per increment of Frozen Solid.

Frozen Solid is now Velium Chill. Rank 1 allows Hail Storm and Fusion to cast at 1.5 and 3.5 seconds respectively when you have 20 increments of Frozen Solid. Rank 2 allows Hail Storm and Fusion to cast at 0.75 and 2 seconds respectively when you have 40 increments of Frozen Solid. Rank 1 allows Hail Storm and Fusion to cast instantly when you have 60 increments of Frozen Solid.

Frozen Over is now Frozen Detonation, an alternate ability for Frozen Rain. Frozen Detonation inflicts cold damage to the targets surrounding the wizard, at about 33% of the damage of Frozen Rain. The damage is substantially higher with 60 charges of Frozen Solid.

Ether Flow is now Arcane Tyrant. It grants a 10% chance to trigger additional magic damage when attacking to Tyrant's Pact.



Toxic Mist is now Toxic Assault. It passively allows the warlock to build charges of Toxic Aura when using damage spells. The trigger chance on Toxic Aura is 11% at Rank 1, 22% at Rank 2 and 33% at Rank 3. Toxic Aura increments at 3 per attack target and maxes at 60. Toxic Assault inflicts disease damage to the warlock's target. The damage is substantially higher with 60 charges of Toxic Aura.

Deadly Toxins now increases the amount of increments gained per trigger of Toxic Aura by 1 per rank.

Toxic Grasp is now Toxic Confusion. It reduces the warlock's threat by 0.15% of their damage per rank per increment of Toxic Aura.

Diseased Mind has been changed. Rank 1 allows Apocalypse and Rift to cast at 2.75 and 3.5 seconds respectively when you have 20 increments of Toxic Aura. Rank 2 allows Apocalypse and Rift to cast at 1.5 and 2 seconds respectively when you have 40 increments of Toxic Aura. Rank 1 allows Apocalypse and Rift to cast instantly when you have 60 increments of Toxic Aura.

Caustic Deathbringer is now Caustic Detonation, an alternate ability for Toxic Assault. Caustic Detonation inflicts disease damage to the targets surrounding the warlock, at about 33% of the damage of Toxic Assault. The damage is substantially higher with 60 charges of Toxic Aura.

Miasma is now a 10% chance for Dark Pact to trigger additional disease damage when attacking.




All Ethernere collection items will now stack.

Green Slots have been added to previous avatar rings.




Edited the category on several quests.

Hildan, within the Sanctuary of the Devoted in Obol Plains, will now respond to you if you have either Ascension Assistance or An Unfinished Relic, or both.

The Darkened Spirit for the quest “Waking Terrors” should spawn properly now.

Cluurg has been moved out of the tree he was hiding in.

The ‘evidence’ for the quest “Circumstantial Evidence” should now be available to all.

The small trinket and the Pacification Scroll should be properly removed from your inventory upon completing the quest “Residual Memory”.

Riishu and Lania should properly update the quest “Stronger Than Death”.

Wizard spires are now incomplete until the player has completed the quest Connecting Ether Threads.

Taming of the Tuatara - Glisten Frill plants now highlight when usable.

Shades of Drinal: Fate's Crusade - Rewards are now hidden until quest completion!

Obol sludgelings now update the quest, Wegadas’s Woven Knowledge.

Qalin should be considerably less squishy now.

ROI's added for chapters 1 -3 of Shades of Drinal.

Tsar Kurr should now only appear when he is supposed to.

You should now be able to pick up Shades of Drinal: Great and Small from Drinal's Steward if you delete it.

Vylsith should no longer have an identity crisis.





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