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Unread 11-05-2012, 04:22 PM   #1

samael616's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Freeport
Posts: 15

I used a Krono a few days ago, in fact being able to do this was the only reason I pre-ordered the expansion (which also doesn't show up on my entitlements - edit now showing on payment history at least, apparently it only made it look like I bought it before)

The Krono disappears but my expiry date on my account page (several days later) is still the same.  This is worrying as I don't want to be taken by suprise by one suddenly running out when if I had been able to see I could have got another before being kicked back to silver.  It does show up on my payment history but that doesn't help with the final membership expiry.

I've also noticed that the membership details keep changing, it said recurring gold (before the Krono when my membership was from when we could buy it with sc, even though I didn't think that one was recurring and got no sc or anything, I think recurring would have been the one that gives sc but again I can't say I paid attention), after the Krono it said just gold for a while and now it says freeplay recurring gold.  I admit I have never paid attention to it before except to remind myself when my gold ran out but this doesn't seem normal.

The main problem, however, is that date.  Is is supposed to change or am I going to just have to hope I remember to keep track (and that I get it right).

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