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Unread 10-29-2012, 02:58 PM   #1

Build Master
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 652

This update should occur around 2pm PST.






Echoing Howl's Resonation now increments to 24. The prose on Echoing Howl has been updated.



Reverberation's Energetic Reverberation now increments to 24. The prose on Reverberation has been updated.



Mind Control should trigger more reliably.



Truespirit Power will properly trigger.

Ralissk's Perception now states its max increments and has had them increased to 24.



Purchasing Champion's Interception now grants Champion's Watch and Champion's Interception. Champion's Watch is a group spell that increments Champion's Sight whenever a non-fighter is hit by an enemy. Champion's Sight increments to 50. Champion's Interception consumes Champion's Sight and applies damage reduction based on the number of increments of Champion's Sight consumed. The damage reduction is 1% per increment to non-fighters in the group. This spell can be toggled off early. Higher ranks lower the base reuse time from 36 seconds to 24 seconds to 12 seconds. If Champion's Interception is toggled off early, it restores up to 75% of the increments of Champion's Sight it consumed.

Will of the Guardian now reduces the base cast time of Champion's Interception by 0.5 seconds per rank and increases the duration by 1 second per rank.

Champion's Armor is now Champion's Shout. It allows Champion's Interception to increase the guardian's threat generation by 0.4% per rank per increment.

Champion's Hatred is now Champion's Glare. Champion's Glare grants a 15% chance per rank for Champion's Watch to grant an extra increment of Champion's Sight. Additionally, when toggling off Champion's Interception early, the guardian will gain 2 extra increments of Champion's Sight per rank.



Divine Territory and Harbinger of Justice should now apply the damage multiplier properly.




Fixed several experimentation related issues.




War Machines - The weapon cache table you need to destroy in Oggok city should now be clickable again.

Obol Plains - Only the dialog nodes directly related to the signature quest line, Shades of Drinal, should be flagged for their alternate, green appearance.

Gate Crashers! - Increased the number of ambushing horde near The Cardin Gate, and made sure that the Wayward nearby will no longer kill steal.

Out of the Fire... - A bit more direction has been added to the quest journal to describe the location of Incantory Apex.

Harrowing Experience - All of the Orafic shrillmaw located within the town of Cardin Ward now update this quest.

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