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Unread 09-06-2009, 10:17 PM   #91

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Rickenbacker@Mistmoore wrote:

temps still get the most worthless heal stance.

I can't say for sure that templars have the most worthless heal stance, simply because I haven't really delved into the other priests heal stances when compared to their general healing style.

However, I do know that for my style of healing in the main tank group of a raid, the templar heal stance is pretty worthless.  I tried it for awhile but found the negatives outweighed the possitives.  When you get right down to it, the main job of a templar is more for defensive buffing than for healing with defilers being the primary healer of a raid force.  If it wasn't for Repent and a couple pieces of gear, my position on the heal parse would probably be lower than many of the non-MT healers.

By the way, I don't use Sacrifice either.  At least there are some decent regular AA bonuses.  Its just the end abilities that seem to be really lacking.

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Unread 09-25-2009, 06:51 PM   #92
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Vidar64 wrote:

Rickenbacker@Mistmoore wrote:

temps still get the most worthless heal stance.

I can't say for sure that templars have the most worthless heal stance, simply because I haven't really delved into the other priests heal stances when compared to their general healing style.

I dont know this, cuz I dont play the other healers, (well I have a retired 80 mystic but she hasn't budged since the near end of ROK)...

How many other healers get SLOWER cast times on some of their heals in Heal Stance?

As mentioned before 2 Templar "Debuffs" which heal the group are slowed down by the heal stance... 

So not only does the Templar stance not have the 3rd really big bonus, it decreases some of the healing capabilities of the Templar... 

This cant be intended and needs to be fixed.  Regardless of what you think about the Templar and their buffs and their OPness, Heal stances decreasing heals is bunk.  And regardless of if you think they need a 3rd "boost" to their healing stance... one of the detriments to "hostile spells" also decreases the effectiveness of their healing.

If NOTHING else is done to the Templar healing stance for whatever reason, these need to be fixed.

In case you don't know exactly what "debuffs" we have been talking about...

Mark of Divinity:

  • When target is damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 20% chance to cast Mark of Nobility on target's attacker. Lasts for 8.0 seconds.
    • Heals target for X instantly and every 2 seconds
  • Decreases Mitigation of target vs divine damage by X

Involuntary Gift:

  • On any successful attack this spell has a chance to cast Involuntary Cure on target of attack. This effect will trigger an average of 4.0 times per minute.
    • Heals targets in Area of Effect for
    • Dispels X levels of any physical hostile effects on target
  • Both of which are considered Hostile Spells and their casting times are raised significantly in Heal stance.... thus taking away some of the Templars ability to heal in said "Heal" stance.  This makes no sense at all. 

    The only argument I could see SOE coming up with (not that they even read healer forums or care about them if they did) is that Mark of Divinity also has a Divine Mit debuff on it.....  which is hostile in nature towards the mob... Ok, fine, move that debuff onto Rebuke... so Rebuke would look like:


    • Decreases Mitigation of target vs all physical damage by X
    • Decreases Mitigation of target vs divine damage by X

    or hell, just take the divine damage debuff out of the picture, its pretty much worthless...  and then call the spells Beneficial... case closed. (on that part of their crappy stance that is SMILEY )

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    Unread 11-11-2009, 11:37 AM   #93

    Ragnaroeker1's Avatar
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    I think this is a very good post for all healers to understand what other classes are feeling and to help us understand each others classes. 

    I do want to agree that the Defiler Heal Stance, taken verbatem, is misleading.  When you factor in the fact of the balancing act with wards and plus to heals Defilers juggle depending on what buffs we get in a raid, and if we have a fury in raid and if we get their mythical buff, heal crits need to be at 100% and this causes us to forfit the faster cast, less power on cures, which we all know are MASSIVE in this expansion. This is because we have to use the agility line to get to 100% heal crits.  Granted this is less of an issue when we get our shoulders, legs, and chest pieces, or we can sacrifice the REH to use the T4 helm.  Also our Shaman Specific Tree decreases the actual benefit numbers shown on our Heal Stance substantially, making it misleading when considered on it's own attributes.

    I know other classes in my guild are approaching 1000 plus to heals because their heal crits are not as vital as they are to a shaman.  However, because our wards do take the initial prevention of damage, this could be a fair balance.

    From my perspective, not comparative to any other classes in any way, Defilers have been pretty much untouched for several expansions.  Not complaining because several classes have definitey gotten the shaft. I would take being consistant over getting the shaft any day.

    Also, if they increased Defiler's beneficial spell cast, we would definitey be getting a huge shaft.

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