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Unread 10-23-2012, 02:46 PM   #1

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Mystic Prestige Advancement

I've leveled only to 93 currently so abilities beyond that are currently speculation based on reading the information provided. These are just my opinions so feel free to voice your own.

Left Side ~

Ancestral Supprt - Group AE; 9s Recast, 2s Duration. Monitors damage done by group members and converts a potion of that damage into a ward for the group member. Applies individually for each group member.This is 6 seconds at rank 3 - so not nearly as bad as I initially thought! But the following still applies: It might be better if it calculated the total damage done, divide the number by 6, then apply an individual ward to everyone based on the average. That way I get a nice ward, and the tank does too. Thanks, scouts!

Past's Vengeance - Ancestral Support gains 33 percent chance to inflict magic damage to enemies. All damage is attributed to the mystic.This is awesome now too.

Whispers of the Past - Ancestral Support will make the group immune to mesmerize and root.I am not sure what I am supposed to do with 2-6 seconds of root and mesmerize immunity. Wardens already have group root immunity that works all the time, so the value of two seconds leaves something to be desired. I'd rather not step on their toes at all. This prestige needs to be retought entirely.

Edit: This ability got a lot better as of last night. Thanks! This is MUCH more awesome.

Helpful Spirits - Ancestral Support will apply a buff that heals the mystic's allies when they attack.This lasts longer than Ancestral Support, so this is also awesome.

Spiritual Stability - Immunization makes the target immune to most knockdowns and allows them to cast while moving. Immunization cast time is reduced to 0.5 seconds base and the reuse time is reduced to 90 seconds base.This one is fairly respectable. Since there are War Runes coming out with similar abilities to this soon, my request is that we add the ability to cast immunities while under control effects as well.  I would love you for approx. one expansion, if you do this!

Right Side~

Ferocity of Spirits - On a melee hit it casts Ferocity of Spirits ~ 5 percent chance to have an auto attack strike the target multiple times.This amounts to 5 Flurry at each rank, with 15 Flurry being the maximum... which is to say, it's comparable to a few reforges or two good gear upgrades that have that stat present. That's only if I keep my auto attack going during the fight - if I stop, the ability drops down to nothingness. It seems a little underwhelming for only a 15 flurry net yield. I'm hoping this entire line gets revamped - maybe something along the lines of a 1/2 stampede.

Claws of the War Boar - Grants the mystic additional triggered damage when they reach three increments of ferocity of spirits.Does a rather nice amount of damage. About 2 percent of my whole DPS 21k median hit. Does crit.

Snow Rhino's Power - Increases the weapon damage bonus of group members by 1.5 when the mystic is at level two ferocity of spirits.Battle Prowess increases Weapon Damage Bonus by 20,  Ethereal Weaponry AA by 15.  I feel this should lend a little more, considering it cannot trigger but once every 15 seconds.

White Wolf's Howl - Increase the amount of the mystic's wards when the mystic gets one increment of Ferocity of Spirits.I do like bigger wards. Since I won't want to joust due to meleeing, it will be nice to keep me alive~ This scales to 9 percent so is really awesome.Barrier of Spirits - Strips Ferocity of Spirits to apply a large ward. Instant Cast.Viable only if meleeing, but the 4 second recast and instant cast does make this one fairly awesome by examine. Upon testing, it does about 53k for me at level 3, 344cb/372 Potency.

Middle AbilitySpiritual Medium - Makes Ancestral Avatar apply to the mystic's group.This is awesome. Thanks!

It's really grown on me that I can rez like inquisitors cure.

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Unread 10-24-2012, 02:54 AM   #2

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Ancestral Support is a -REALLY- bad Ward. This is from the values prior to the Wednesday patch where they nerfed it more. This is the values with a group doing between 500-300k DPS each member.

Past's Vengeance was about 66k dps for me prior to the patch.Helpful Spirits 5 percent of my HPS (15k hps ZW)Whispers of the Past was pretty awesome.6 seconds on a 180 second recast, however, is far, far too low and will lower many of these values to worthless levels. Would prefer a 30-45 second recast. Not as strong as it was, but still viable. That, or raise the duration in which Whispers of the Past is active on a separate timer like Helpful Spirits is on. Thanks!

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Unread 10-25-2012, 10:08 AM   #3

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For pats's vengreance:

ChrissyFaey wrote:

6 seconds on a 180 second recast, however, is far, far too low and will lower many of these values to worthless levels. Would prefer a 30-45 second recast. Not as strong as it was, but still viable. That, or raise the duration in which Whispers of the Past is active on a separate timer like Helpful Spirits is on. Thanks!

I agree completely.

For an ability that hits for a small fraction of what stampeded does, and lasts only 25% as long, the recast should NOT be nearly as long as stampede's if it is desired to be a realistic prestige choice.

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Unread 10-25-2012, 10:32 AM   #4

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SOE clearly succeed in issuing shamans heap of buttons to give us something to catch up on clerics utility (in previous update version )

"5button effect" for mystic = 1 "until cancelled" proc for Inq


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Unread 10-25-2012, 01:16 PM   #5

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Ancestral Support - it is ward or what?? Ability monitoring damage but if group members have another wards before i use  ancestral support there will be nothing to  monitoring. Or what would happen if the group does not have any wards until I use  Ancestral Support, they'll die on AoE?? Throw out this crap and make improvement of Spirit Aegis like reduce base reuse time to 120sec,  reduce casting base time to 4sec

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Unread 10-25-2012, 02:20 PM   #6

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Maranono wrote:

Ancestral Support - it is ward or what?? Ability monitoring damage but if group members have another wards before i use  ancestral support there will be nothing to  monitoring. Or what would happen if the group does not have any wards until I use  Ancestral Support, they'll die on AoE?? Throw out this crap and make improvement of Spirit Aegis like reduce base reuse time to 120sec,  reduce casting base time to 4sec

I don't think it is a good idea to add more optional-spell enhancements; especially for a spell that is not widely used as it is.

I think they had the right idea, giving us something new to add diversity to our arsenal, but to turn it into a "meh", underpowered, long recast ability kinda defeats the purpose of adding new abilities.

It is no longer something to look forward to, it is just another spell now

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Unread 10-25-2012, 06:14 PM   #7

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

Mystic Prestige Advancement

I've leveled only to 93 currently so abilities beyond that are currently speculation based on reading the information provided. These are just my opinions so feel free to voice your own.

Left Side ~

Ancestral Supprt - Group AE; 9s Recast, 2s Duration. Monitors damage done by group members and converts a potion of that damage into a ward for the group member. Applies individually for each group member.This is 6 seconds at rank 3 - so not nearly as bad as I initially thought! But the following still applies: It might be better if it calculated the total damage done, divide the number by 6, then apply an individual ward to everyone based on the average. That way I get a nice ward, and the tank does too. Thanks, scouts!

Past's Vengeance - Ancestral Support gains 33 percent chance to inflict magic damage to enemies. All damage is attributed to the mystic.This is awesome now too.

Whispers of the Past - Ancestral Support will make the group immune to mesmerize and root.I am not sure what I am supposed to do with 2-6 seconds of root and mesmerize immunity. Wardens already have group root immunity that works all the time, so the value of two seconds leaves something to be desired. I'd rather not step on their toes at all. This prestige needs to be retought entirely.

Edit: This ability got a lot better as of last night. Thanks! This is MUCH more awesome.

Helpful Spirits - Ancestral Support will apply a buff that heals the mystic's allies when they attack.This lasts longer than Ancestral Support, so this is also awesome.

Spiritual Stability - Immunization makes the target immune to most knockdowns and allows them to cast while moving. Immunization cast time is reduced to 0.5 seconds base and the reuse time is reduced to 90 seconds base.This one is fairly respectable. Since there are War Runes coming out with similar abilities to this soon, my request is that we add the ability to cast immunities while under control effects as well.  I would love you for approx. one expansion, if you do this!

Right Side~

Ferocity of Spirits - On a melee hit it casts Ferocity of Spirits ~ 5 percent chance to have an auto attack strike the target multiple times.This amounts to 5 Flurry at each rank, with 15 Flurry being the maximum... which is to say, it's comparable to a few reforges or two good gear upgrades that have that stat present. That's only if I keep my auto attack going during the fight - if I stop, the ability drops down to nothingness. It seems a little underwhelming for only a 15 flurry net yield. I'm hoping this entire line gets revamped - maybe something along the lines of a 1/2 stampede.

Claws of the War Boar - Grants the mystic additional triggered damage when they reach three increments of ferocity of spirits.Does a rather nice amount of damage. About 2 percent of my whole DPS 21k median hit. Does crit.

Snow Rhino's Power - Increases the weapon damage bonus of group members by 1.5 when the mystic is at level two ferocity of spirits.Battle Prowess increases Weapon Damage Bonus by 20,  Ethereal Weaponry AA by 15.  I feel this should lend a little more, considering it cannot trigger but once every 15 seconds.

White Wolf's Howl - Increase the amount of the mystic's wards when the mystic gets one increment of Ferocity of Spirits.I do like bigger wards. Since I won't want to joust due to meleeing, it will be nice to keep me alive~ This scales to 9 percent so is really awesome.Barrier of Spirits - Strips Ferocity of Spirits to apply a large ward. Instant Cast.Viable only if meleeing, but the 4 second recast and instant cast does make this one fairly awesome by examine. Upon testing, it does about 53k for me at level 3, 344cb/372 Potency.

Middle AbilitySpiritual Medium - Makes Ancestral Avatar apply to the mystic's group.This is awesome. Thanks!

It's really grown on me that I can rez like inquisitors cure.

the Big problem with the rez prestige is it upgrades the casting of the rez but they are STILL dirty that means useless!!other then for spirt dance (still only 40% health and power??) this should be removes rez effects from our grp rez (rank one) incresse the hp power from spirt dance to 80% (rank 2) and change recall of the gray to a self rez (rank 3) the cleric/drd classes get a self rez as do necros why does the shaman not?

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Unread 10-25-2012, 06:29 PM   #8

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aeyinar wrote:

ChrissyFaey wrote:


the Big problem with the rez prestige is it upgrades the casting of the rez but they are STILL dirty that means useless!!other then for spirt dance (still only 40% health and power??) this should be removes rez effects from our grp rez (rank one) incresse the hp power from spirt dance to 80% (rank 2) and change recall of the gray to a self rez (rank 3) the cleric/drd classes get a self rez as do necros why does the shaman not?

Clerics, Necromancers, and Druids pay considerably more for their self-resurrection abilities so I don't agree with this prestige granting that ability. For Clerics it is their heroic endline, for druids it is a archtype endline, and so forth. Considerably more point investment.I mean, inquisitors got 'Reduce Cast time on Inquest' for their similar Prestige in that spot. It's probably not meant to be a significant upgrade.But, hey, I'd be up for no rez effects on our rezzes. I don't think I'll ever spec spirit dance even with these options available.

If it were up to me I'd make the first one ancestry group-wide to go with our group-wide Avatar. Mmm.

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Unread 10-25-2012, 07:01 PM   #9
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Please bear in mind the cleric "death rez" as its been coined while its very good choice but most if not all raiding clerics and a good number of group zone clerics have pretty much swapped long ago to the group death save aka equalibrium so its not even taken as a first choice...maybe on a dif spec but the main one.

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Unread 10-25-2012, 09:28 PM   #10

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Daalilama@Nagafen wrote:

Please bear in mind the cleric "death rez" as its been coined while its very good choice but most if not all raiding clerics and a good number of group zone clerics have pretty much swapped long ago to the group death save aka equalibrium so its not even taken as a first choice...maybe on a dif spec but the main one.

That's not true, the spread on AA is more like 50/50 for immac rez and equilib

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Unread 10-26-2012, 02:22 AM   #11
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Hene wrote:

Daalilama@Nagafen wrote:

Please bear in mind the cleric "death rez" as its been coined while its very good choice but most if not all raiding clerics and a good number of group zone clerics have pretty much swapped long ago to the group death save aka equalibrium so its not even taken as a first choice...maybe on a dif spec but the main one.

That's not true, the spread on AA is more like 50/50 for immac rez and equilib

For the raiding cleric equalib...is a far superior choice than immaculate and i believe the ratio is higher for equalib...just saying.

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Unread 10-26-2012, 06:14 AM   #12

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Hene wrote:

Maranono wrote:

I think they had the right idea, giving us something new to add diversity to our arsenal

something new unused such as Lunar Attendant, Plague components vs nightblood and shadowed folk, Slothful spiritGrey Recollection:* Fields of Grey - unused spell because of the sikness* Spirit Danse - casting time 7.5 instead of 8 - yea 'cool'* Path of the Grey - rarely used spell because of the sikness

Conclusion - completely useless improvement, maybe replace it with a Lunar Attendant improvement with mana regen for example 2% per tick? With self antiAoE of course. And make health regen in percentage, not as it is now 500hp (LOOOL) per tick when my mates have 90k+ hp in raid and  Attendant dies from any damage.

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Unread 10-26-2012, 02:09 PM   #13
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Maranono wrote:

Hene wrote:

Maranono wrote:

I think they had the right idea, giving us something new to add diversity to our arsenal

something new unused such as Lunar Attendant, Plague components vs nightblood and shadowed folk, Slothful spiritGrey Recollection:* Fields of Grey - unused spell because of the sikness* Spirit Danse - casting time 7.5 instead of 8 - yea 'cool'* Path of the Grey - rarely used spell because of the sikness

Conclusion - completely useless improvement, maybe replace it with a Lunar Attendant improvement with mana regen for example 2% per tick? With self antiAoE of course. And make health regen in percentage, not as it is now 500hp (LOOOL) per tick when my mates have 90k+ hp in raid and  Attendant dies from any damage.

Have to agree here with you Lunar Attendant has some nice potential IF the pet has an ae immune at the very least, the regen needs a serious boost and the suggestion of adding 2% power regen per tick is nice and does give this ability a versitile usefulness to it.

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Unread 10-26-2012, 04:02 PM   #14

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Daalilama@Nagafen wrote:

Hene wrote:

Daalilama@Nagafen wrote:

Please bear in mind the cleric "death rez" as its been coined while its very good choice but most if not all raiding clerics and a good number of group zone clerics have pretty much swapped long ago to the group death save aka equalibrium so its not even taken as a first choice...maybe on a dif spec but the main one.

That's not true, the spread on AA is more like 50/50 for immac rez and equilib

For the raiding cleric equalib...is a far superior choice than immaculate and i believe the ratio is higher for equalib...just saying.

don't get me wrong, I use equilibrium on my inquis, but for the main inquis in my raiding guild as well as the other top 20 guilds I looked at, the split was 50/50 between rez and equilibrium. Something like equilibrium is nice for certain fights, but most of the time the super rez ends up being more useful for maintaining stability or recovering from a blip of instability that would otherwise result in a wipe (i.e. tank goes down or other issue on red text, or some other unforeseen issue)anyway, the current prestige abilities make me think it would be a waste to do anything other than get potency->CB as well as MA->potencythey are really lacking in substance: 15k(?) proc for 6 sec every 1.5min - aka crappy PoM or stampede; or 50k ward once every 1.5-2 minutes? (well if you are doing 15k HPS with 300 potency, 20 more potency will in theory increase your heals by 5% or 750 HPS or 68k-90k extra healing over those same 1.5 to 2 minutesI really can't justify skipping out on extra CB or extra potency and bolster damage proc for any of the options out there (though CC immunity might be nice)

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Unread 10-26-2012, 04:56 PM   #15

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

aeyinar wrote:

ChrissyFaey wrote:


the Big problem with the rez prestige is it upgrades the casting of the rez but they are STILL dirty that means useless!!other then for spirt dance (still only 40% health and power??) this should be removes rez effects from our grp rez (rank one) incresse the hp power from spirt dance to 80% (rank 2) and change recall of the gray to a self rez (rank 3) the cleric/drd classes get a self rez as do necros why does the shaman not?

Clerics, Necromancers, and Druids pay considerably more for their self-resurrection abilities so I don't agree with this prestige granting that ability. For Clerics it is their heroic endline, for druids it is a archtype endline, and so forth. Considerably more point investment.I mean, inquisitors got 'Reduce Cast time on Inquest' for their similar Prestige in that spot. It's probably not meant to be a significant upgrade.But, hey, I'd be up for no rez effects on our rezzes. I don't think I'll ever spec spirit dance even with these options available.

If it were up to me I'd make the first one ancestry group-wide to go with our group-wide Avatar. Mmm.

nec it's a prestige and really usefull when i found out i couldn't split path i was really dissapointed ....

as far as clerics go the fact you get a immac vs equalibrium debate in this thread shows how OP the 2 heroics are compaired to shaman i never hear a debate of totemic protection vs aegis ...... and NETHER is going to do 1/5 of what immac or equalibrium is tosave my grp... if the change to even a self rez were made on the herioc tree i would take it !

the same can be said or drds... if you want you can take coagulate(unconscious health buff),scourage(a dispel with dmg)(drds get this on 2 start line abilitys ours is a final line?) or the pet ae blocker  and change it to a self rez or in the case of the pet ae block change it to TS with same recast WITHOUT the 100% block and hp regen and i would be geeking out or even something like natures boon that when i deal dmg it heals the grp....  and when you look at cleric endlines i would take holy shield over the pet ae blocker (holy shield will work my pet ae blocker might work if i'm really lucky)even divine aura and divine recovery are nothing i can get close to as far as usefulness ..... change aa's endlines if you feel that it's wrong to do in prestige. hell if they made the grp cure aa's(witchdoctors herbal recipe)work on the base reuse so we got the full time reduction i would be geeked...

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Unread 10-26-2012, 05:27 PM   #16

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"if you want you can take coagulate(unconscious health buff)..."

The problem is that such clerics choose between two very strong ability, and shamans between enema and s#it

take coagulation? instead of what and why?

We have a ward? OK, in raids, but inquisitor cure needed in raids and group instances

Could be given one additional cure for shamans with basic recast 1-1.30 m and another unique (and indeed necessary) ability for each subclass

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Unread 10-26-2012, 06:23 PM   #17

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Totemtic Protection for PvP, Spirit Aegis for MT Healing, and Avenging Ancestors for DPS. It's all pretty usable and when I MT MT heal, Spirit Aegis does a bulk of the life-saving. I'd rather have an AA that is useful all the time, than one only good when I'm flat on my face ... which doesn't happen often, because unlike the others ~ I have wards.

Other classes cure. If we had two cures,  there wouldn't be any need for any other healer in our group. Most of these suggestions step on other class roles ... if we take them from these classes, they would have less raid desirability.The suggestions aren't bad... they will just never give them to us for the reasons above. SMILEYAs for class AA's, you guys should look at what Spiritual Leadership does on the parse. It's really rather nice.

It hurts that we can't cast immunities as a control break, and if we get stunned we just sit there like rocks until a detriment ticks and kills us. Hope they change our endline to allow that.

Ancestral Support is still too long a reuse for 6 seconds of utility ... It should be 60s at max cast speed to be still viable, and not overpowered. 

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Unread 10-26-2012, 07:08 PM   #18

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

If we had two cures,  there wouldn't be any need for any other healer in our group.

Druids also have two groupcure, but raids and guilds looking for some reason... Inquisitors (or clerics) = 

I think that the class that needs to be fine-tuning should have more features, than a easier class

The problem is that we give each update leftovers (in most cases) abilities. This looks like a miserable pittance !

My suggestion:

1. Change the dog's cure to use from the shaman attacks (little reduced trigger)

2. Add cure components to Ancestral Channeling

3. Add control-break ability with base recast 3m.

4. Spiritual Stability should give immunity to interrupts. Immunization must be uninterrupted

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Unread 10-26-2012, 07:52 PM   #19

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inspire1444568 wrote:

ChrissyFaey wrote:

If we had two cures,  there wouldn't be any need for any other healer in our group.

Druids also have two groupcure, but raids and guilds looking for some reason... Inquisitors (or clerics) = 

I think that the class that needs to be fine-tuning should have more features, than a easier class

The problem is that we give each update leftovers (in most cases) abilities. This looks like a miserable pittance !

My suggestion:

1. Change the dog's cure to use from the shaman attacks (little reduced trigger)

2. Add cure components to Ancestral Channeling

3. Add control-break ability with base recast 3m.

4. Spiritual Stability should give immunity to interrupts. Immunization must be uninterrupted

1. Our dog is currently immune to non-direct aoes ... which means if this ability were to be based off our melee, we would never receive a cure when we are stunned and cannot attack. The ideal would be to increase the hitrate of the dog since it's very, very low. He should share our combat stats when it comes to proccing things. 2. It'd make the druid endline cure a lot less viable if ours also tossed in a cure. The moment all priests have two cures each will be the moment they decide there should be three rounds of aoes within a given refresh window, and then we'll be back to feeling like we have one anyhow. :/3. This should be added to immunization instead. It should be castable while we're under control effects.4. It should!Just remember we got Spirit Tap instead of a second cure on our mythical... and spirit tap is love.

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Unread 10-26-2012, 08:27 PM   #20

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

inspire1444568 wrote:

ChrissyFaey wrote:

If we had two cures,  there wouldn't be any need for any other healer in our group.

Druids also have two groupcure, but raids and guilds looking for some reason... Inquisitors (or clerics) = 

I think that the class that needs to be fine-tuning should have more features, than a easier class

The problem is that we give each update leftovers (in most cases) abilities. This looks like a miserable pittance !

My suggestion:

1. Change the dog's cure to use from the shaman attacks (little reduced trigger)

2. Add cure components to Ancestral Channeling

3. Add control-break ability with base recast 3m.

4. Spiritual Stability should give immunity to interrupts. Immunization must be uninterrupted

1. Our dog is currently immune to non-direct aoes ... which means if this ability were to be based off our melee, we would never receive a cure when we are stunned and cannot attack. The ideal would be to increase the hitrate of the dog since it's very, very low. He should share our combat stats when it comes to proccing things. 2. It'd make the druid endline cure a lot less viable if ours also tossed in a cure. The moment all priests have two cures each will be the moment they decide there should be three rounds of aoes within a given refresh window, and then we'll be back to feeling like we have one anyhow. :/3. This should be added to immunization instead. It should be castable while we're under control effects.4. It should!Just remember we got Spirit Tap instead of a second cure on our mythical... and spirit tap is love.

1. i would like to see the dog cure turned into a buff i can cast on myself or a dd/tank and work more like the troubador cure works  with a lower triger chance say like 15%  (troubador one is raid wide and 25%)

2 i think if anything i would like to see a aoe blocker added to ancestral channeling otherwise leave it as is

3 i agree it should be added to immunization but this should also be changed to a grp spell or a shorted reuse if it's single taget i should be able to keep it mantained 

4 agreed

the only flaw with spirt tap is it needs a shorter reuse

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Unread 10-27-2012, 12:04 PM   #21

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My opinion is that shamans need at least one additional extra-cure(for "Oops" situation!)

I do not mean cure with fast recast

This is not fair! Shamans are not only class having wards, but we will be only class without 2nd groupcure ! =

In addition, other healing classes have a much more powerful group buffs (especially dps)

As I can see, group, raids and guilds are actively looking for more inquisitorial rather than shamans (they do not have a "super strong wards OOP")

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Unread 10-27-2012, 12:18 PM   #22

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

Just remember we got Spirit Tap instead of a second cure on our mythical... and spirit tap is love.

with f%cking long recast !

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Unread 10-27-2012, 12:36 PM   #23

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It's time to make a vote for the abolition of ward-classes discrimination

Enough ! Stop turning shamans to ward-bots !

Now any suggestion to improve our class is blocked by the words "you have wards", while wards regularly Nerf (for example strikestr.)

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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:01 PM   #24

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I would prefer a control break over a second cure. Dev-friends, if you're reading this please allow immunization or Ancestral Support to be cast while under control effects.

...And make the recast for ancestral support a minute less.  Have the ward go by average DPS done, with that being applied as a single target ward to others. This way it doesn't favor DPS classes over healers or tanks.That'd be just fine for making that tree viable!

We'd prefer if we weren't locked into lines, too. If you could remove the second set of 6 AA requirement to reach the other tree, that would be splendid. Thank you for reading this.

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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:07 PM   #25

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My suggest. 2 ("shaman" section)

"Summon Spirit Companion" can be given a choice of three companion, that would accumulate points abilities (aka BL)

first pet - a tank (like a bear for mystic and gargoyle for def.) additional hate. and accumulate score for add. stoneskin

second - Heal (ghost) warding proc, accumulate score for add. groupcure

third - DPS (White Wolf for a mystic, black for defiler) accumulate score for damage abilities.

Accumulated points can be released at the request of the special button... according to pet

In general, this mechanism is similar to BL

PS: Of course, all of this will not have time to do in CoE

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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:16 PM   #26

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inspire1444568 wrote:

My suggest. 2 ("shaman" section)

"Summon Spirit Companion" can be given a choice of three companion, that would accumulate points abilities (aka BL)

first pet - a tank (like a bear for mystic and gargoyle for def.) additional hate. and accumulate score for add. stoneskin

second - Heal (ghost) warding proc, accumulate score for add. groupcure

third - DPS (White Wolf for a mystic, black for defiler) accumulate score for damage abilities.

I think you might want to get AoD so you can have a mercenary.I like the dog how he is ~ I wish it had higher hit rates so his stuff procced commonly. As it is, he's currently equal to that manacure ability that Templars have and complain about a goodly amount. So, would be nice if he hit more.Not sure where you're all coming from in feeling underpowered. Being the second highest DPS priest, buffing others with stampede and bolster, preventing spikes with wards ... an emergency 33 second full power and hp regen? The class is awesome. I guess you guy are trying to convince people it sucks so it gets buffed to be even better, but I don't know.What isn't awesome is that some of our Prestige AA's are bad at the moment due to the recast rates and calculations involved. And immunities. I guess I'll keep typing that.

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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:28 PM   #27

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

I think you might want to get AoD so you can have a mercenary.

Not sure where you're all coming from in feeling underpowered...

And it is normal that inquisitor is called the "second bard"?

My idea would make the shaman playing more interesting !

Pet-tank will be no demand for groups and raids

DPS-pet and pet-healing - on the situation

Now we use a hybrid of healing-pet and pet-DPS

PS: Inquisitors do not nerfed for the fourth consecutive... necessary to try to make suggestions to improve our class !

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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:49 PM   #28

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ChrissyFaey wrote:

I would prefer a control break over a second cure. Dev-friends, if you're reading this please allow immunization or Ancestral Support to be cast while under control effects.

...And make the recast for ancestral support a minute less.  Have the ward go by average DPS done, with that being applied as a single target ward to others. This way it doesn't favor DPS classes over healers or tanks.That'd be just fine for making that tree viable!

We'd prefer if we weren't locked into lines, too. If you could remove the second set of 6 AA requirement to reach the other tree, that would be splendid. Thank you for reading this.

Think Chrissy has the idea here; ancestral support has too long of a recast for such mediocre buffs and heals.  The big problem with mystics at the moment is crowd control effects and cures.  On a lot of fights, mystics end up being left out completely on helping with non-trivial cures because we can't break CC effects and are not innately immune to stun/stifles.

As it stands, looks like our choices appear to be:

1) Left tree with a proc that does 1/6 of what stampede does, for 1/4 of the time stampede is up, with almost the same recast, with the mediocre dps-based ward that does not help out healers or tanks nearly as much as DPS'ers

2) Right tree with a little bit of proc'able flurry, increased wards and once every 1-2 minutes a 50-60k ward that are only going to be useful if meleeing

3) Only picking DoV prestige points; the combination of potency->CB and MA->potency will end up increasing overall heal capabilities more than and of the new heal oriented prestige points, and probably the same for DPS

It looks like it is completely pointless to use the new prestige points over just selecting the old, DoV prestige options.  However, as Chrissy said, a CC break and modified timer on ancetral support would make that tree more viable, and actually make it a competative option

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Unread 10-27-2012, 03:48 PM   #29

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Hene wrote:

ChrissyFaey wrote:

I would prefer a control break over a second cure. Dev-friends, if you're reading this please allow immunization or Ancestral Support to be cast while under control effects.

...And make the recast for ancestral support a minute less.  Have the ward go by average DPS done, with that being applied as a single target ward to others. This way it doesn't favor DPS classes over healers or tanks.That'd be just fine for making that tree viable!

We'd prefer if we weren't locked into lines, too. If you could remove the second set of 6 AA requirement to reach the other tree, that would be splendid. Thank you for reading this.

Think Chrissy has the idea here; ancestral support has too long of a recast for such mediocre buffs and heals.  The big problem with mystics at the moment is crowd control effects and cures.  On a lot of fights, mystics end up being left out completely on helping with non-trivial cures because we can't break CC effects and are not innately immune to stun/stifles.

As it stands, looks like our choices appear to be:

1) Left tree with a proc that does 1/6 of what stampede does, for 1/4 of the time stampede is up, with almost the same recast, with the mediocre dps-based ward that does not help out healers or tanks nearly as much as DPS'ers

2) Right tree with a little bit of proc'able flurry, increased wards and once every 1-2 minutes a 50-60k ward that are only going to be useful if meleeing

3) Only picking DoV prestige points; the combination of potency->CB and MA->potency will end up increasing overall heal capabilities more than and of the new heal oriented prestige points, and probably the same for DPS

It looks like it is completely pointless to use the new prestige points over just selecting the old, DoV prestige options.  However, as Chrissy said, a CC break and modified timer on ancetral support would make that tree more viable, and actually make it a competative option

I agree with these guys

CC break, reduced recast time on ancestral support, modification of tree pre-requisites sounds like that could make for a reasonable boost to useability of the new prestiges, otherwise there is gonna be a lot of mystics running around only using the top half of the prestige tree

And something should probably be done about the right side line since it hasn't even come up as a decent line to take

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Unread 10-27-2012, 04:29 PM   #30

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What i've seen in this thread is nothing but Mystic's suck, Mystic's are under powered. Some of you guys *cough* inspire1444568 *cough* are saying mystics suck and you should make us demi-gods. If you know how to play a mystic you should have no problem with cures with a 2nd cure Inquis would be useless. And we are not going to be replaced with druids they're near useless for tank group healing (how often do you look in channels and see someone looking for a druid?), we are not "Ward Bots" And a real raid guild does not even raid if they do no have a shaman in ATLEAST the MT and OT group. Plus if your specd for Spirit Dance you've failed and the only reason to spec for Spirit Aegis is if your MT group healing in progression like PoW or Totemic Protection for PvP. Lastly Spirit Tap has a 5 minute reuse and it last for 33s so your waiting 4min 27sec for the rebirth of jesus, If yours is longer than 5mins your reuse is to low.

The only flaws of a Mystic~

1- Immunizations or Ancestral Balm should be usable when under hsotile effects

2- Our rezzes should not have 2min 12sec rezz sickness

3- Ancestral Support should only have a 1min reuse

4- People who play mystics should really learn the class before they open their mouths

So next time you think mystics are "Underpowered ward bots" Please look over your spells. Torpor/Oberon regenerating wards, Spirit Tap /godmode. and dont forget a real mystic can throw out 200k+ dps in raid while healing in a tank group!

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