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Unread 10-28-2016, 02:27 AM   #1

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When my channeler gets one of those potency debuffs in the solo instances and I cure it then the pets health goes down to the red. Then i have to put up extra heals on the pet, and since these mobs use this potency debuff quite often this gets annoying really fast. Don't think these debuffs effect any other class this bad as it does to the channelers.
Please would like to know if there is any way to fix this issue.
Thank you
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Unread 10-29-2016, 03:02 PM   #2

Lemilla's Avatar
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The cause is the following:
If the max HP of your pet changes while your pet is not all full health, it's current HP stays the same.
In combat, because it's always finding some damage to intercept, it's practically never at max health. It can be at 99%+ all the time, but it will be missing at least 1 HP.

When your potency or crit bonus are debuffed, the Max HP of your pet becomes lower, because your potency and cb are the basis for how much HP it has.
When you cure that debuff, it's HP goes back up again. It's current health does not go up. The result is that it's like it received a massive amount of damage. And even though it did not, you still need to repair it because it's now intercepting less (or even no) damage.

The first zone since the introduction of the Channeler class was HKC. It has been reported then, it has been reported multiple times since, and it never got changed. Luckily, there haven't been many zones where this was a real issue.

To reproduce:
- Be specced for Accuracy for Strength and/or Power from the Soul (2nd prestige tree)
- Stand somewhere not in combat and do nothing, making sure the above 2 abilities are not buffing you
- Cast Construct's Sacrifice
- Notice that your pet is now at 75% (or 80% if you got Focus:Construct's Sacrifice) health
- Notice that your pet is now at less than 75% max health as soon as Accuracy for Strength and/or Power activate, because its max HP went up but its current HP stayed the same.

The proper solution would be the following:
When the max HP of your pet changes, it's current HP should change by a relatively equal amount.
If it was at 85% health before the max HP chance, it should still be at 85% health after the max HP change.
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