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Unread 12-29-2011, 07:18 PM   #1

Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1

Myself and two friends are going to play some EQ2 for a bit.



Which tank would be a fun choice to complete the trio in the early game?

Everything I've read on the forums references levels 80 and above. What about early game? I hear Paladin can hold Aggro when grouped with a Mage, Berserker as well? What about Monk/Bruiser?

I'm not interested in Guardian.

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Unread 12-29-2011, 08:58 PM   #2

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Posts: 53

Any of the plate tanks can be good at lower levels. Its 80+ where the good tanks shine and the bad tanks make people cry about PUGs in chat.

SK, Zerker and Paladin can be great tanks if well played and kept in good gear and abilities are all expert (at least the ones that generate aggro in any form). Bruisers, Monks and Guardians tend to require more help with aggro needing buffs from bards, coercer, sin or swash, mind you there are some that need nothing but a mob to hit to hold aggro.

I have levelled up a paladin to 90 and with amends on the right dps it was pretty easy and fun to play. Heals to help support the group and incombat rez too along with a small ward. I forget what level I took an SK to before but I did betray the paladin one time and lost a lot of aggro along with some dps. Zerker I have to about 78 atm and is a lot of fun and always was but seems to be less of an aggro magnet since the DoV gear changes.

As a paladin your well geared wizzy friend wont need to hold back on dps with amends and paladin is also supposed to be one of the easiest tanks to heal as long as you keep your gear and buffs current max.

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Unread 02-27-2012, 02:38 AM   #3

Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 112


What Kaco2 said.

Im having great fun as a Paladin. They hold aggro well via Amends, have AOE to complement the wizard and have a collection of Oh %^Y$% buttons that they can use, so all the weight on that isnt on the cleric's shoulders.

A lot of the damage will come from auto-attack, so remember to keep the weapons upgraded.

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