Thread: Mystic Prestige
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Unread 10-27-2012, 02:16 PM   #26

ChrissyFaey's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 231

inspire1444568 wrote:

My suggest. 2 ("shaman" section)

"Summon Spirit Companion" can be given a choice of three companion, that would accumulate points abilities (aka BL)

first pet - a tank (like a bear for mystic and gargoyle for def.) additional hate. and accumulate score for add. stoneskin

second - Heal (ghost) warding proc, accumulate score for add. groupcure

third - DPS (White Wolf for a mystic, black for defiler) accumulate score for damage abilities.

I think you might want to get AoD so you can have a mercenary.I like the dog how he is ~ I wish it had higher hit rates so his stuff procced commonly. As it is, he's currently equal to that manacure ability that Templars have and complain about a goodly amount. So, would be nice if he hit more.Not sure where you're all coming from in feeling underpowered. Being the second highest DPS priest, buffing others with stampede and bolster, preventing spikes with wards ... an emergency 33 second full power and hp regen? The class is awesome. I guess you guy are trying to convince people it sucks so it gets buffed to be even better, but I don't know.What isn't awesome is that some of our Prestige AA's are bad at the moment due to the recast rates and calculations involved. And immunities. I guess I'll keep typing that.

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