Thread: Mystic Prestige
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Unread 10-26-2012, 07:08 PM   #18

Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 59

ChrissyFaey wrote:

If we had two cures,  there wouldn't be any need for any other healer in our group.

Druids also have two groupcure, but raids and guilds looking for some reason... Inquisitors (or clerics) = 

I think that the class that needs to be fine-tuning should have more features, than a easier class

The problem is that we give each update leftovers (in most cases) abilities. This looks like a miserable pittance !

My suggestion:

1. Change the dog's cure to use from the shaman attacks (little reduced trigger)

2. Add cure components to Ancestral Channeling

3. Add control-break ability with base recast 3m.

4. Spiritual Stability should give immunity to interrupts. Immunization must be uninterrupted

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